I remember when I filled out my Health History Interview Assignment, I felt like I had no idea what I was doing. In retrospect there are several things I wish I would have done differently. For example, when you’re filling out your health history assignment, make
sure to leave no blank spaces. If something doesn't apply to the patient (pt.)
you’re interviewing, write, “N/A”. For example, if you’re interviewing a male
pt. in the obstetric section, write N/A in the blank next to gravida. Since
he’s a male, it doesn't apply to him. If you don’t know what gravida and parity
mean, look them up in a medical dictionary. It's important to know the difference.
When you’re constructing your genogram, make sure to include
a key for your shapes and colors. I forgot to do this when I created my genogram. You can find a sample genogram in your
Physical Assessment work book in the answer key for worksheet 26.
In the review of systems section (ROS), you can write “not
indicated” when a pt. responds that they have not experienced a particular
condition. For example, “headaches, head injuries, and dizziness not
indicated.” Or you could write, "No history of headaches, head injuries, and dizziness." If on the other hand your pt. experiences headaches and dizziness
due to a head injury, explain the reason for his/her head trauma and the
location of the pain and any other important details. For example: “Pt. reports
headaches on the left side of the head and dizziness due to a head injury
experienced during a car crash seven days ago.”
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